
Alcohol remains the second most common cause of liver cirrhosis after hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in the United States, contributing to approximately 20% to 25% cases of liver cirrhosis and about half of all admissions among patients with cirrhosis. Of the various factors responsible for liver disease, duration and amount of drinking alcohol is the most important factor. Pooled data from many epidemiological studies show a minimum intake of 30 g/day of alcohol in women and 50 g/day in men consumed over at least 5 years to cause liver cirrhosis. 3 Prevalence and mortality rates from cirrhosis parallel alcohol consumption prevalence rates in the population globally. Within Europe, which has the highest rate of consumption per capita in the implementation of policies on alcohol sale has resulted in changing epidemiology in different parts of Europe. Alcohol consumption rates have decreased in southern Europe, whereas they have increased in eastern Europe and some areas of northern Europe (including Ireland and the United Kingdom). 4 Because only 10% to 15% of people engaged in heavy drinking develop liver cirrhosis, other factors such as host factors and comorbidities are clearly important (Fig. 1). Women are more prone to the hepatotoxic effect of alcohol compared with men and are prone to develop liver cirrhosis at a lower amount of alcohol consumption. Type of alcohol consumed, binge drinking (five or more drinks at one time), drinking on an empty stomach, and participation in alcohol rehabilitation programs such as Alcoholic Anonymous are some of the other factors. Alcohol use and concomitant HCV infection act synergistically to cause more frequent and faster progression of fibrosis. 5 With the epidemic of obesity in the United States, prevalence rates of metabolic syndrome and visceral adiposity are increasing among alcoholics contributing to more prevalent and severe liver disease. 6 Alcohol remains the third most common preventable cause of death after smoking and hypertension. Alcohol-related mortality affects young and middle-aged population with loss of productive life years. Liver-related mortality from alcohol contributes to 4% of mortality and 5% of disability adjusted life years (DALY) globally, with highest impact in Europe, where these same figures are 7% and 12%, respectively (Fig. 2). 7 This huge disease burden has an economic impact of about €125 billion annually in Europe, about 1.3% of the gross domestic product. These figures are probably underestimates due to inaccuracies in death certificate reports, because mentioning alcohol as a contributing cause of death may have social and legal implications. Fortunately, over the last two to three decades, the mortality rates from liver cirrhosis have decreased from 20 to 25 per 100,000 population in the early twentieth century to less than 10/ 100,000 currently (Fig. 3). 8 Improved management of cir

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