
Recent trends in Low-Temperature Nuclear Orientation (LTNO) and its site-selective derivative, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance on Oriented Nuclei (NMRON), are reviewed. Traditional areas of endeavour using elemental ferromagnetic hosts remain strong with significant improvements in methodology since last reviewed [1]; but there are new emphases emerging in solid-state physics and especially magnetism. Exotic single crystals hosts and MBE-grown multi-layers are gaining increased prominence as the principal focus of LTNO study. Increasingly, in off-line work and very recent on-line implantation into insulators [2], the radioactive probes are often chosen to be isoelectronic with an abundant chemical species within the host, rather than representing an extremely dilute, electronic impurity spy. Recent NMRON on a heavy rare earth, isoelectronic probe in an ordered rare earth halide opens up new dimensions.

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