
In recent years, two rapidly expanding technological subjects have been the Internet of Things (IoT) and Big Data. Big Data and the Internet of Things (IoT) go hand in hand. The IoT’s primary concept is that almost every item or gadget will have an IP address and will be connected to one another. Given the fact that billions of devices will be connected and creating large amounts of data, the effectiveness of data-gathering mechanisms will be tested. This chapter discusses the problems of IoT with Big Data, including the needs, technology employed, data security concerns, and other topics. The significant obstacles related to the development of IoT are also forecast in this chapter. The IoT is gaining traction in academia, business, and government, and it has the potential to provide enormous personal, professional, and economic advantages. The IoT embeds intelligence in internet-connected items to allow them to interact, share information, make choices, take actions, and deliver incredible services. The correctness of this assumption must be shown, since it cannot be believed that individuals would always be ready to participate in privacy-preserving solutions. IoT is an important issue for studies in numerous related domains such as information technology and computer science since it is so broad and influences nearly every aspect of our life. The current development patterns, the general architecture of IoT, its distinguishing traits, and potential future applications are all discussed in this chapter.

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