
AbstractIn this study, we reviewed the literature on disaster risk reduction investment published since 2015, when the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction was adopted, and then followed up with text mining analysis. The literature extracted from the databases of the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank (ADB), which are multilateral development banks (MDBs), offer new concepts in disaster risk reduction investment, such as the triple dividend of resilience and women-focused investment in resilience. Additionally, we found that solutions such as the Blueprint for Action (World Bank) had been proposed to promote investment. Conversely, many of the literature extracted from the Web of Science, a database of academic papers, are based on empirical research using quantitative methods and can be regarded as providing a certain level of evidence for the concepts that have been discussed in MDBs. The results of the co-occurrence network show that words such as “agriculture” and “fund” are characteristic of the World Bank literature, while “woman” and “community” are characteristic of the ADB literature. Moreover, the correspondence analysis implies a difference between the tendency of words to appear in the Web of Science literature and that in other MDB databases. Thus, when contemplating the direction of future academic research, the characteristic words of literature extracted from the MDB database using text mining could be deemed useful as a source of reference information to a certain extent.KeywordsDisaster risk reduction investmentsSendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030 (SFDRR)Multilateral development banks (MDBs)Literature reviewText mining analysis

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