
Many countries all over the world are facing water shortages. As population increases, water is being perceived as a very valuable resource. Every effort is exerted to use water more efficiently and to make use of every drop of water to ensure the well being of future generations. New trends are developed and practiced in the area of water resources use and water saving. These trends vary from one country to another according to the degree of water scarcity, economic situations, and other factors. Developing non‐conventional water resources is an example of the recent trends in developing new water resources and water savings. Unlike rainfall, rivers, and groundwater which are considered conventional freshwater resources, the non‐conventional water resources include sea water desalination, agriculture wastewater reuse, and municipal wastewater reuse. This paper deals with the reuse of agriculture, municipal, and industrial wastewater as a new trend in developing additional water resources. Special interest is given to municipal wastewater, its characteristics and necessary treatment. Environmental and human health considerations for wastewater reuse, especially in agriculture, are also discussed. Possible consequences of wastewater reuse are introduced. Examples of wastewater reuse practices in some countries are also mentioned.

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