
Tampa Bay, a large, microtidal, clastic-filled estuary incised into Tertiary carbonate strata, is the largest estuary on Florida’s west coast. A total of 250 surface sediment samples and 17 cores were collected in Tampa Bay in order to determine the patterns and controlling factors governing the recent infilling and modern sediment distribution, and to examine the results in terms of current models of estuarine sedimentation and development. Surficial sediments in Tampa Bay consist of three facies types, each occurring in a distinct zone: modern terrigenous clastic muds occurring in the upper bay and around the bay periphery; relict, reworked-fluvial, quartz-rich sands occupying the open portion of the middle bay; and modern carbonate-rich, marine-derived sands and gravels occupying the lower bay. Factors controlling sediment distribution include: sediment source and supply rate; bathymetry, which is a function of the antecedent topography; and the winnowing effect of wind-generated waves that prohibits modern accumulation in the shallow middle bay. These factors also play a major role in the recent infilling history of Tampa Bay, which has progressed in four stages during the Holocene sea-level rise. Recently developed models of estuarine sedimentation are based primarily on mesotidal to macrotidal estuaries in terrigenous clastic settings in which sedimentation patterns and infilling history are a result of the relative contribution of marine and fluvial processes. Tampa Bay differs in that it was originally incised into carbonate strata, and neither fluvial or marine processes are interpreted to be major contributors to modern sediment distribution. Tampa Bay, therefore, provides an example of an unusual estuary type, which should be considered in future modeling efforts. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A01BY083 00004

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