
This paper summarizes our recent results on continuous triangular norms that are migrative with respect to an arbitrary continuous triangular norm. The content is based on three journal papers [5], [7], [8]. We start with the original notion of migrativity and completely describe all continuous migrative triangular norms. Then we extend the migrative property by allowing an arbitrary but fixed t-norm in the defining equation instead of the originally used product t-norm. Equivalent forms of this extended migrativity are also provided. Two particular cases when the fixed t-norm is either the minimum or the Łukasiewicz t-norm are studied. In these cases all continuous extended migrative t-norms are characterized and represented. Finally, we exploit the ordinal sum structure of continuous t-norms and our mentioned results to describe all continuous triangular norms that are migrative with respect to an arbitrary continuous triangular norm. We illustrate the statements by numerical examples.

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