
III.IT follows from this view that the cavity of the Ccelenterata would represent an intestinal cavity only, while a true body cavity would be here entirely absent. This way of regarding the cavity of the Ccelenterata is at variance with the conclusions of most other anatomists who regard the ccelenterate cavity as representing a true body cavity, or a body and intestinal cavity combined. I had myself long entertained the generally accepted opinion that the cavity of the Ccelenterata represents a body cavity. I must, however, now give my adhesion to the doctrine here advocated by Haeckel, and regard the proper body cavity of the higher animals as having no representative in the Ccelenterata. I believe that this is supported both by the facts of development and by the structure of the mature animal. Indeed, the body cavity first shows itself, as Haeckel has pointed out, in the higher worms, and is thence carried into the higher groups of the animal kingdom.

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