
The SOFC development at Topsoe Fuel Cell A/S (TOFC) and Riso̸ DTU is based on a R&D consortium which includes material development and manufacturing of materials, cells and stacks with metallic interconnects focussing on high electrochemical performance, durability and robustness. A significant effort is directed towards improvement of current generations as well as development of the next generation SOFC technology. The innovative concept of the next generation, aiming at improved reliability and robustness, is based on metal-supported cells and nano-structured electrodes with perspectives of several potential advantages over conventional Ni-YSZ anode supported cells. Recently, record-breaking results have been obtained on cell level as well as on stack level. The collaboration has the objective to effectively transfer scientific results to industrial technology up-scaling and application. TOFC is engaged in development and demonstration of stack assemblies, multi-stack modules and PowerCore units that integrate stack modules with hot fuel processing units.

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