
The Timor Friarbird is an endemic species of Timor Island that plays an important role in forest ecosystems, agriculture and other natural environments in the semiarid region. Although classified as an endemic species and declining population, the bird is protected by Indonesian law. This study aims to assess the density, group size, and population distribution of Timor Friarbird and resource uses in three landscape at Western Timor. Distance sampling methods with transect lines was used to estimate population density and bird distribution. The highest estimated bird population density (3.31 ind./ha) in the Baumata landscape and lowest (0.15 ind./ha) in Bipolo. Individual sizes per group of 1-4 individuals in all landscapes. Utilization of distributed feed resources in the main area, secondary and low potency area. The distribution of species in the rainy season is higher found in low-lying, higher dry seasons in lowlands. High anthropogenic pressures and changes in dominant habitats in the low-lying west Timor Island contribute to the rate of population decline of this species thus impacting crop productivity and conservation efforts of this species in the future.

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