
Our observations may be summarized under three main headings: 1. The range of effective iodine dosage. 2. Refractoriness to iodine. 3. Prolonged treatment by iodine alone. 4. Myxedema during the administration of iodine. the dose of iodine While working in the thyroid clinic of the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, we made an attempt to determine the smallest dose of iodine that will produce any reduction in basal metabolism and the smallest amount that will produce a maximum reduction. For this purpose we observed the effect on basal metabolism of the daily administration of about 6 mgms.† of iodine (roughly, one drop of the compound solution), 3 mgms., 1.5 mgms. and 0.75 mgm. to four series of hospital patients with exophthalmic goiter and compared the effect with that of much larger doses given initially (1) (2) (3) (4). The routine was to wait until a stationary level of basal metabolism was reached. Compound solution of iodine in one of the doses mentioned was then administered and daily obse...

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