
Akpinar, A. U., S. Ozturk & M. Sinirtas. 2009. Effects of some terricolous lichens [Cladonia rangiformis Hoffm., Peltigera neckeri Hepp ex Mull. Arg., Peltigera rufescens (Weiss) Humb.] on soil bacteria in natural conditions. Plant, Soil and Environment 55(4): 154–158. [Study in Turkey. ‘‘Besides, it was observed that Cladonia rangiformis Hoffm., which has many kinds of secondary metabolites, has the highest inhibition effect among the studied species.’’] Albert, S. & A. Arya. 2008. Anatomical studies on Roccella belangeriana—a lichen growing on Ceriops tagal. Journal of Mycology and Plant Pathology 38(3): 485–487. [Authors give a brief description which includes details and photographs of the thallus, apothecium and pycnidia. The presence of pycnidia is interpreted as ‘‘ ... a three membered symbiotic relationship, i.e. between one algal and two fungal components.’’] Aptroot, A. 2009. Lichens as an indicator of climate and global change. Pages 401–408. In T. M. Letcher (ed.), Climate Change: Observed Impacts on Plant Earth. Elsevier B. V., The Netherlands. 492 pp. [Literature review and synthesis. ‘‘Lichens are unequivocally responding to global change.’’ Effects so far most pronounced temperate regions as well as the Arctic areas. ‘‘The most severe effects of climate change, leading to probably extinctions, is expected (but has not been observed as yet) on high mountains in tropical regions.’’] ——— & L. Sparrius. 2009. Europese verspreiding en internationale betekenis van Nederlandse korstmossen. Buxbaumiella 83: 1–12. [Authors present a classification of the European and Northern Hemisphere distribution patterns of Dutch lichens, including Red List taxa. Catillaria nigroisidiata, Cladonia callosa, C. zopfii and Lecanora sinuosa are Dutch species of particular international importance. In Dutch with English abstract.] ——— & K. Yazici. 2009. Opegrapha pauciexcipulata, a new corticolous lichen from Turkey. Mycotaxon 108: 155–158. [New: O. pauciexcipulata sp. nov. from localities along the coast of the Black Sea.] Aragon, G., R. Belinchon & P. Izquierdo. 2008. Valoracion de la diversidad de liquenes epifitos en bosques de quercineas mediante un nuevo indice liquenico (IDLE). Aplicacion a la Red Natura 2000. Botanica Complutensis 32: 37–48. [Development of a new diversity index for epiphytic lichens (IDLE) based on richness, frequency and quality values from data from 346 sites in the Castilla-La Mancha region of Spain. ‘‘The results indicate that the lichen diversity is mainly related to the management intensity, cover and age of forests.’’ In Spanish with English abstract.] Archer, A. W. & J. A. Elix. 2009. New species and new reports in the lichen genus Pertusaria (Ascomycota: Pertusariaceae) from Australasia. Nova Hedwigia 88(1–2): 1–10. [New: P. labuensis sp. nov. (Papua New Guinea), P. mankiensis sp. nov. (Papua New Guinea), P. palumensis Elix & A. W. Archer sp. nov. (Queensland), P. simoneana sp. nov. (New Caledonia), P. wallamanensis Elix & A. W. Archer sp. nov. (Queensland) and P. wilsoneana sp. nov. (Vanuatu). Additional records are given for 6 spp.] ———, ———, E. Fischer, D. Killmann & E. Serusiaux. 2009. The lichen genus Pertusaria (Ascomycota) in Central Africa (Congo/Kivu, Rwanda and Burundi) and western Kenya. Nova Hedwigia 88(3–4): 309–333. [Treatment of 21 spp., 13 new to Africa; key. New: P. kinigiensis sp. nov. (on rocks in Rwanda and Burundi), P. krogiae sp. nov. (on bark in Rwanda and Kenya) and P. lambinonii sp. nov. (Congo, Rwanda and Burundi on rocks). Authors also include notes on 4 other African Pertusaria taxa.] Armstrong, R. A. 2009. Monthly fluctuations in radial growth of individual lobes of the lichen Parmelia conspersa (Ehrh. ex Ach.) Ach. Symbiosis 47: 9–15. [Study over 22 months in Wales. ‘‘Growth fluctuations were correlated with climatic variables in 31% of lobes, most commonly with either total * The cumulative database for this series is available in searchable form on the World Wide Web at http://www.nhm.uio.no/botanisk/bot-mus/ lav/sok_rll.htm. I owe special thanks to Bill Buck for providing copies of papers by other authors, which were otherwise unavailable to me, and to the cooperating authors who send reprints or electronic versions of their works to me for inclusion in this series.

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