
AFOLAYAN, A. J., D. S. GRIERSON, L. KAMBIZI, I. MADAMOMBE & P. J. MASIKA. 2002. In vitro antifungal activity of some South African medicinal plants. South African Journal of Botany 68: 72–76. 2 tab. [Includes testing of extract from Usnea barbata, which showed the second highest activity. This species is said to be used as a treatment for mammary infections in cattle and indigestion/catarrh in the human stomach.] AIDE, M. T. 1999. Entisol development on foreshore and aeolian dune sediments in the Hudson Bay lowlands near Churchill, Manitoba. Transactions of the Missouri Academy of Science 33: 1–7. 2 fig. [Brief mentions of lichens and their role in pedogenesis.] AKCIN, G., O. SALTABAS, F. YESILCIMEN & A. ASLAN. 2001. Biosorption of heavy metal from aqueous solution by dried lichens. International Journal of Chemistry 11: 141–146. 3 fig. AKCIN, G., O. SALTABAS, F. YESILCIMEN & A. ASLAN. 2001. Biosorption of heavy metal from aqueous solution by dried lichens. In 1st Black Sea Basin Conference on Analytical Chemistry, Programme and Book of Abstracts. I.I. Michnikov Odessa National University, Odessa, Ukraine. [Abstract.] ALSTRUP, V. 2002. Revisions of some lichens and lichenicolous fungi from Antarctica [Parandusi monede Antarktika samblike ja lihhenikoolsete seente taksonoomias]. Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 39: 1–2. 1 fig. [New: Polycoccum follmannii (Dodge) comb. nov.] ALVAREZ, J., M. J. SANCHEZ-BIEZMA & M. E. LOPEZ DE SILANES. 2001. Lista de los liquenes y hongos liquenicolas de Galicia [Checklist of lichens and liquenicolous (sic) fungi of Galicia]. Nova Acta Cientifica Compostelana (Bioloxia) 11: 53–151. [This update of the 1995 list by Carballal et al. now lists 888 lichens and lichenicolous fungi.] ALVAREZ ANDRES, J. & R. CARBALLAL DURAN. 2001. The genus Dimerella (Gyalectales, Ascomycotina) in Peninsular Spain. Nova Hedwigia 73: 409–418. 3–4. [Notes are given for three species.] ALVAREZ ANDRES, J. & M. E. LOPEZ DE SILANES. 2002. The genus Gyalecta (Gyalectales, Ascomycotina) in the Iberian Peninsula. Nova Hedwigia 74: 257–273. 4 fig. 8 maps. [Notes on eight species, and a key is also provided.] APTROOT, A. 2001. Lichens from Gambia, with a new black-fruiting isidiate Caloplaca on savannah trees. Cryptogamie, Mycologie 22: 265–270. 2 fig. [Reports 27 species. New: Caloplaca gambiensis sp. nov. (Gambia).]

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