
Aguirre-Hudson, B., T. Kokubun, B. M. Spooner & L. Tibell. 2007. Taxonomy of Calicium victorianum (F. Wilson) Tibell (Caliciaceae, Lecanorales), a lichenized ascomycete new to Europe. Lichenologist 39(5): 401–407. [Reported from the British Isles and identical to the Australian C. piperatum.] Ahti, T. 2007. Further studies on the Cladonia verticillata group (Lecanorales) in East Asia and western North America. In A. Frisch, U. Lange & B. Staiger (eds.), Lichenologische Nebenstunden. Contributions to Lichen Taxonomy and Ecology in Honour of Klaus Kalb. Bibliotheca Lichenologica 96: 5–19. [Additional records and a key to East Asian members of the C. verticillata group. Cladonia schofieldii is reduced to synonymy with C. pseudalcicornis, and ‘‘a new lectotype and epitype are proposed for C. pyxidata (unranked) verticillata Hoffm. (C. verticillata), which is recognized as a species distinct from C. cervicornis.’’ New: C. cineracea sp. nov. (Russia), C. concinna Ahti & Goward sp. nov. (British Columbia, California, Oregon, Washington), C. jacutica sp. nov. (Russia) and C. nitens sp. nov. (Russia, Bhutan, India, Alaska).] ———, D. K. Upreti & S. Nayaka. 2007. Cladonia lutescens, a new lichen species from the Himalayas. Mycotaxon 101: 25–27. [New: C. lutescens sp. nov. from Himachal Pradesh, India, belongs to Sect. Cocciferae.] Andreas, B. K., R. E. Showman & J. C. Lendemer. 2007. The 2006 combined Crum/Tuckerman Workshop in Ohio. Evansia 24(3): 55–71. [113 macrolichens and 127 crustose species reported. New to Ohio: Heterodermia pseudospeciosa, Parmotrema gardneri and Physcia pumilior.] Anonymous. 2007. Do pronghorn eat lichen? Yellowstone Science 15(3): 2. [Yes, apparently Xanthoparmelia spp. during the winter, but more data are needed.] Aptroot, A. & H. J. M. Sipman. 2007. A new Schistophoron (Graphidaceae) from Costa Rica. In A. Frisch, U. Lange & B. Staiger (eds.), Lichenologische Nebenstunden. Contributions to Lichen Taxonomy and Ecology in Honour of Klaus Kalb. Bibliotheca Lichenologica 96: 21– 24. [New: S. aurantiacum sp. nov. and Phaeographis indica (Patw. & Nagarkar) Sipman & Aptroot comb. nov. Authors include a key to the 3 known spp. of Schistophoron.] Arguello, A., R. Del Prado, P. Cubas & A. Crespo. 2007. Parmelia quercina (Parmeliaceae, Lecanorales) includes four phylogenetically supported morphospecies. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 91: 455–467. [Molecular analysis with 3 gene sequences and a study of epicortical SEM photographs, spores and conidia. New: Parmelina coleae Arguello & A. Crespo sp. nov (California) and P. elixia Arguello & A. Crespo sp. nov. (Australia) along with P. carporrhizans and P. quercina.] Arup, U., E. Arneng & U. Sochting. 2007. Caloplaca fuscorufa— a misunderstood species in northern Europe. Lichenologist 39(5): 409–414. [Based on specimens from Svalbard and Scandinavia, C. fuscorufa is distinct from C. executa and C. crenularia.] Balaji, P., S. Malarvannan & G. N. Hariharan. 2007. Efficacy of Roccella montagnei extracts on Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Journal of Entomology 4(3): 248–252. [Study of hexane, ethyl acetate, methanol and water extracts. ‘‘The formulation of water extract of R. montagnei is better compared to other solvent extracts as potential antipest agent against H. armigera.’’] Banik, D. & P. Bujarbarua. 2005 [2006]. Lichens on Agapetes D. Don ex G. Don (Ericaceae) in India. Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of India 47(1–4): 59–62. [Report of 12 spp. of macrolichens in 7 genera. Volume published in July 2006.] Bartak, M., P. Vaczi, J. Hajek & J. Smykla. 2007. Lowtemperature limitation of primary photosynthetic * The cumulative database for this series is available in searchable form on the World Wide Web at http://www.nhm.uio.no/botanisk/bot-mus/ lav/sok_rll.htm. I owe special thanks to Bill Buck for providing copies of papers by other authors, which were otherwise unavailable to me, and to the cooperating authors who send reprints or electronic versions of their works to me for inclusion in this series.

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