
Abstract The downburst is defined as a strong downdraft produced by a deep convective storm that induces strong or damaging winds on or near the earth's surface. Because of the intense wind shear they produce, downbursts are a hazard to aircraft in flight, especially during takeoff and landing phases. Retrieved profiles of temperature and moisture obtained from the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) sounders have been shown to be useful in assessing the potential for convective downbursts. Sounder-derived parameters examined in this paper include the wind index (WINDEX), used to estimate maximum wind gusts; a dry microburst index (DMI), used to estimate dry microburst potential; and maximum theta-e deficit (TeD), used to estimate wet microburst potential. Currently under development is a new wet microburst index that will summarize the physical processes of convective storm development and downburst generation to quantify the potential severity of convective wind gusts. The experimen...

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