
In Brief In recent years, numerous studies have reported the effects of functional electrical stimulation (FES) in the management of foot drop. The purpose of this article is to review these latest findings according to both the diagnoses and various functional domains of the individual clinical trials. These findings support the assertion that FES systems facilitate both immediate and extended improvements in gait velocity across both smooth and irregular surfaces in patients with chronic hemiparesis. In addition, beneficial effects on the symmetry and rhythmicity of gait, along with positive “therapeutic” or “carry-over” effects, have been identified. Patient-derived data indicate high acceptance rates and may provide further insights into what aspects of FES usage are perceived by patients to be the most beneficial. Any empirical advantages of FES systems over ankle-foot orthoses for patients with chronic hemiparesis seem to require a degree of acclimation to the FES intervention. Recent evidence supports the efficacy of an orthotic effect associated with the use of FES during both short-distance and endurance walking events among patients with more debilitating multiple sclerosis (MS). In contrast, the use of FES by less debilitated patients with MS does not seem to increase the speed of short-distance walking events. The benefit of FES interventions during endurance walking events in less debilitated patients has not been evaluated. To the limited extent that it has been investigated, there is no apparent evidence of a therapeutic or a carry-over effect associated with FES among the more debilitating forms of MS. This effect has not been investigated among more functional walkers with MS. This paper reviews recent research relating to the effects of functional electrical stimulation (FES) in the management of foot drop according to both the diagnoses and various functional domains of the individual clinical trials.

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