
Due to non-existing or limited surveillance in Africa, little is known about the epidemiology of dengue illness in the continent. Serological and virological data obtained from returning European travellers is a key complement to this often flawed information. In the past years, dengue 3 virus has emerged in West Africa and has been detected in travellers returning to Europe. The first dengue epidemic in Cape Verde with more than 17,000 cases from September to December 2009 demonstrated that dengue virus is still expanding worldwide to new territories.


  • Dengue virus is widely distributed in tropical and subtropical countries and is transmitted by day-biting mosquitoes of the genus Aedes

  • Laboratory-based surveillance of dengue virus infection in febrile travellers could provide useful information about the different dengue virus serotypes circulating worldwide and in particular those circulating in areas where limited surveillance is available

  • The European Network for Imported Viral Disease - Collaborative Laboratory Response Network (ENIVD-CLRN network) provides outbreak support, in particular related to laboratory diagnostics, to assist European Union (EU) Member States, candidate countries and members of the European Economic Area and European Free Trade Association (EEA/EFTA) in detecting, investigating and responding to outbreakprone diseases, imported, rare or unknown infectious agents, or outbreaks related to the intentional release of pathogens

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Citation style for this article: Citation style for this article: Franco L, Di Caro A, Carletti F, Vapalahti O, Renaudat C, Zeller H, Tenorio A. Recent expansion of dengue virus serotype 3 in West Africa. Due to non-existing or limited surveillance in Africa, little is known about the epidemiology of dengue illness in the continent. Serological and virological data obtained from returning European travellers is a key complement to this often flawed information. Dengue 3 virus has emerged in West Africa and has been detected in travellers returning to Europe. The first dengue epidemic in Cape Verde with more than 17,000 cases from September to December 2009 demonstrated that dengue virus is still expanding worldwide to new territories

Dengue virus in West Africa
Dengue virus importation from Africa into Europe
Future outlook
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