
THE United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, in co-operation with Science Service and the Jesuit Seismological Association, has determined the epicentres of three recent earthquakes. The first occurred on March 7 at 3h. 01 -5m. TJ.T. from an epicentre situated 57° N. lat., 164°B. long. This is in the Pacific Ocean near tho east coast of central Kamchatka Peninsula. The second and third were both on March 9, at 3h. 25m. 32s. and 9h. 48m. 37s. U.T, respectively. The first on March 9 was from latitude 42-2° N., longitude 80-9° W., which is in the bed of Lake Erie to the west of Erie (city) and north-north-oast of the city of Cleveland, and the second on March 9 from an epicentre at latitude 56° S., longitude 22° W., which is in the south Atlantic east of the island of South Georgia. All interpretations and calculations are tentative.

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