
Quantum Optics: Theory: The Quantum Mechanics of Particles in TimeDependent Quadrupole Fields (R.J. Glauber). Localization of Photons in Random and Quasiperiodic Media (S.D. Gupta). Squeezed and Nonclassical Light: Observation of a Nonclassical Berry's Phase in Quantum Optics (R.Y. Chiao et al.). Noise in Two Mode Squeezed States and Thermo Field Dynamics (H. Umezawa). Cavity QED-Lasers and Masers: Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics (R.K. Bullough et al.). Coherence Theory: Toward Spectroscopy of Partially Coherent Sources (E. Wolf). Photon Statistics and Intense Field Optical Resonance: Quantum Optics of Stronly Drive TwoLevel Atoms (T.W. Mossberg). Optical Bistability, Four Wave Mixing, and Phase Conjugation: Optical Phase Conjugation in Magnetoactive Doped Semiconductors (M. Bose et al.). 63 additional articles. Index.

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