
The LIDAR Thomson scattering technique uses the time of flight of a short laser pulse to spatially resolve measurements of electron temperature (Te) and density (ne) in a plasma. The technique was pioneered at JET and the first profiles were obtained in 1986. The initial system used a 3 J, 0.5 Hz, 300 ps ruby laser and microchannel-plate photomultiplier detectors to make Te and ne profile measurements with ∼10 cm spatial resolution. Since then we have sought to improve both the spatial resolution and frequency of measurement during a JET pulse. It has proved possible to develop a 4 Hz version of the ruby laser and to enhance the rate of cycling of detection and digitizing to match. The main LIDAR system has now been upgraded to 4 Hz and first JET profiles obtained with the new system are presented. For a LIDAR system, the spatial resolution δL along the laser path is given by δL=(c/2)(τ2L+τ2D)1/2, where c is the velocity of light, τL the laser pulse width, and τD the detection system response time. Over a limited spatial extent it is possible to improve spatial resolution by using a streak camera detection system. We have successfully improved the spatial resolution by a factor of 2 by setting up a streak camera detection system in parallel with the main photomultiplier system. The much shorter response time of the streak camera gave ∼5 cm resolution over a 75 cm segment of the ∼2 m plasma diameter. This system was used to examine profile details in the outer part of the JET plasma. Results from this high-resolution LIDAR detection system will be presented. Building on the improved spatial resolution obtained with the streak camera technique, we have now designed and installed a new LIDAR scattering system to diagnose the divertor region of the JET plasma. The laser for the new system is again ruby but uses a different principle to obtain short pulses. We have demonstrated with colleagues from the Troitsk Institute the conversion, using SBS pulse compression, of a standard 25 ns ruby laser into a 300 ps system suitable for LIDAR applications. The main components of the JET Divertor LIDAR system are also described.

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