
Abstract In this chapter, we discuss some recently obtained asymptotic expansions related to problems in numerical analysis and approximation theory. • We present a generalization of the Euler–Maclaurin (E–M) expansion for the trapezoidal rule approximation of finite-range integrals ∫ a b f ( x ) d x , when f ( x ) is allowed to have arbitrary algebraic–logarithmic endpoint singularities. We also discuss effective numerical quadrature formulas for so-called weakly singular, singular , and hypersingular integrals, which arise in different problems of applied mathematics and engineering. • We present a full asymptotic expansion (as the number of abscissas tends to infinity) for Gauss–Legendre quadrature for finite-range integrals ∫ a b f ( x ) d x , where f ( x ) is allowed to have arbitrary algebraic–logarithmic endpoint singularities. • We present full asymptotic expansions, as n → ∞ , (i) for Legendre polynomials P n ( x ), x ∈ (−1, 1), (ii) for the integral ∫ c d f ( x ) P n ( x ) d x , − 1 l c l d l 1, and (iii) for Legendre series coefficients e n [ f ] = ( n + 1 / 2 ) ∫ − 1 1 f ( x ) P n ( x ) d x , when f ( x ) has arbitrary algebraic–logarithmic (interior and/or endpoint) singularities in [−1, 1].

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