
In the last few years, scattered experiences of the application of additive manufacturing in the construction of buildings using 3D printing with robots or automated equipment have emerged around the world. These use a variety of procedures and suggest relevant advantages for the construction industry. In order to identify the different processes and features in development in this field and to guide future research and applications, this article presents a review of the literature on the main aspects involved in the use of 3D printing in the construction sector. The review includes state-of-the-art material mixtures, printing technologies, and potential uses, as well as a novel analysis of building strategies, management systems, and benefits stated about this new approach for construction. It reveals progressive experimentation regarding diverse features, with challenges related to the consolidation of procedures and this technology’s readiness to participate in the building market.


  • The construction industry presents many challenges for the development of large-scale customized designs and production, considering that most construction processes have a high economic cost, material waste is abundant, and accident rates are high [1,2]

  • The material must allow for being extruded and maintain its shape once deposited on the printing surface; second, the deposited layers must not collapse under the load of subsequent layers; and third, by ensuring the bond strength between layers, better properties are achieved in its hardened state [18]

  • The material must retain its shape according to the dimension of the extruder, this being expressed through a dimensionless shape retention factor (SRF) [21]

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The construction industry presents many challenges for the development of large-scale customized designs and production, considering that most construction processes have a high economic cost, material waste is abundant, and accident rates are high [1,2]. Additive manufacturing provides a disruptive and innovative technology known as 3D printing [3], which can convert a digital design model into a physical object [4]. The advantages that 3D printing can provide to the construction sector are significant. This technology allows for reaching an optimal use of environmental and financial resources, as well as building aesthetically and structurally complex architectural designs [5]. 3D printing of building models opens new opportunities for adopting automation technologies at the construction site [6]. RRoobboottiiccppllaattffoorrmmssuusseeddiinn 33DD pprriinnttiinngg pprroovviiddeetthhee ssoolluuttiioonnttoo mmaannyy pprroobblleemmss rreellaatteedd ttoo tthhee ddeessiiggnnooffththeestsrturcutcutrueraenadntdhethseizseiozef porfinptreidnteeldemeelenmtse. TThheeiinnttrroodduuccttiioonnooffiinnnnoovvaattiioonnss ttoo ccoonnvveennttiioonnaall ccoonnssttrruuccttiioonn tteecchhnniiqquueess rreeqquuiirreess tthhee iinntteeggrraattiioonn ooff aa vvaarriieettyyooffeexxppeertritsiese, ,susuchchasacsivciivl,isl,yssytesmtesm, esl,eecltercotnroicn, iacn, danmdecmheacnhicaanliceanlegningeineerienrgin; gg;ragprhaipchdicesdigensi;gann;daanrdchaitrecchtuitreec.tuTrhee.

Critical Variables of the Concrete Printing Process
Open Time
Contraction Control
Mixture Design
Technologies and Equipment
Limitations on manipulator movement
Print Nozzle
Short Description of Path Optimization Techniques in 3D-Printing Applications
Full Text
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