
This article follows an earlier one with the same title which appeared in R Q, 1 1, 1, Fall 1971, pp. 3941. As before, it consists of a number of brief reviewsof some significant, recent British government publications likely to be of interest to North American libraries. United States libraries should order from Pendagon House Inc., 220 University Avenue, Palo Alto, California 94301. There is a 20 percent discount for libraries on the prices quoted. Canadian libraries should order from their nearest Information Canada Bookstore. Of topical interest is the 361 page Report of the Committee on Privacy, of which Kenneth Younger was chairman. This committee was appointed to consider to recommend whether legislation is needed to give further protection to the individual citizen and to commercial and industrial interests against intrusions into privacy by private persons, organizations, or companies. After a general review of the concept of privacy and its importance, the committee examined those areas of most concern in this area: invasion of privacy by the pmss, radio and television, credit rating agencies, banks, employers, students and teachers, doctors, neighbors and landlords, salesmen, private detectives, and industrial espionage. The report includes a section on technical surveillance devices and computers insofar as they concern privacy. It was issued as Cmnd. 5012. Price $8. SBN 10 1 150120 X. Volume II of British Foreign Policy in ‘the Second World War by Sir Llewellyn Woodward has now appeared; volume I was noticedin the previous article in this series. The timespan of this present volume is from June 194 1, when Germany invaded Russia, until the end of 1943. The major events dealt with are Anglo-Russian relationships, culminating in the Teheran Conference; events leading to Japan entering the war; matters affecting General de Gaulle and the Allied governments; differences between the British and United States governments over policy towards Italian surrender; and the formulation of the Atlantic Charter. Price $18. SBN 11 630068 X. The situation in Northern Ireland remains in the news headlines. Two recent reports illusttate dramatically the gulf which has been created there between Protestant and Catholic, leading to frequent outbursts of death and violence. The calm, measured prose of these reports describes scenes which have become a part of the almost daily turmoil in Northern Ireland. Violence and Civil Disturbances in Northern Ireland in I969 is a twovolume report of a Tribunal of Inquiry, Chairman: Mr. Justice Scat-man. It was presented to the Parliament of Northern Ireland as Cmnd. 566. Price $12. SBN 337 10566 9. Slighter in format is the 45 page Report of the Tribunal Appointed to Inquire into the

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