
This review highlights recent developments for on-line determination of residues and contaminants in complex matrices such as food samples. This involves the on-line coupling of a sample preparation technique (as the first "dimension") with a chromatographic system (second "dimension"), usually followed by mass spectrometry. Although frequently treated as quite distinct techniques, the role of all devices utilized as the first dimension in this approach aims to decrease the sample complexity while eliminating as much as possible the matrix contaminants to facilitate the qualitative and quantitative determination of the compounds of interest. This review will focus on the following techniques as the first dimension: (i) on-line solid-phase extraction; (ii) in-tube solid-phase microextraction; (iii) matrix solid-phase dispersion; and (iv) turbulent flow chromatography. The second dimension is usually performed using a chromatographic column to isolate the analyte(s) of interest for further mass spectrometry determination. A description of the basis of this on-line approach and its distinct set up possibilities is presented, which is followed by a critical review of the literature covering this subject in the last ten years (focusing on the last five years) with emphasis on the analysis of residue and contaminants in food samples.

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