
It is expected that with the projected increase in air travel aeroacoustics research will be very critical in meeting increasingly stringent aircraft noise certification standards. In the United States aeroacoustics research has steadily progressed toward enhanced safety, noise benefits and lower costs. This report provides a brief summary of selected recent aeroacoustics activity in the US. Four topics of great interest to the aerospace industry are: (1) Advanced Subsonic Technology (AST) for future subsonic aircraft, (2) High Speed Research (HSR) for future supersonic commercial aircraft, (3) Rotorcraft noise control efforts, and (4) Weapons bay and other noise control applications for the military. Examples of good progress in the areas of jet, fan, airframe and helicopter noise as well as liner design and weapons bay noise suppression are provided herein. In the next few years we look forward to seeing major strides in noise reduction technology and our ability to predict situations of aeroacoustics interest.

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