
This article reviews the recent developments in the synthesis, antibacterial activity, and visible-light photocatalytic bacterial inactivation of nano-zinc oxide. Polycrystalline wurtzite ZnO nanostructures with a hexagonal lattice having different shapes can be synthesized by means of vapor-, liquid-, and solid-phase processing techniques. Among these, ZnO hierarchical nanostructures prepared from the liquid phase route are commonly used for antimicrobial activity. In particular, plant extract-mediated biosynthesis is a single step process for preparing nano-ZnO without using surfactants and toxic chemicals. The phytochemical molecules of natural plant extracts are attractive agents for reducing and stabilizing zinc ions of zinc salt precursors to form green ZnO nanostructures. The peel extracts of certain citrus fruits like grapefruits, lemons and oranges, acting as excellent chelating agents for zinc ions. Furthermore, phytochemicals of the plant extracts capped on ZnO nanomaterials are very effective for killing various bacterial strains, leading to low minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values. Bioactive phytocompounds from green ZnO also inhibit hemolysis of Staphylococcus aureus infected red blood cells and inflammatory activity of mammalian immune system. In general, three mechanisms have been adopted to explain bactericidal activity of ZnO nanomaterials, including direct contact killing, reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, and released zinc ion inactivation. These toxic effects lead to the destruction of bacterial membrane, denaturation of enzyme, inhibition of cellular respiration and deoxyribonucleic acid replication, causing leakage of the cytoplasmic content and eventual cell death. Meanwhile, antimicrobial activity of doped and modified ZnO nanomaterials under visible light can be attributed to photogeneration of ROS on their surfaces. Thus particular attention is paid to the design and synthesis of visible light-activated ZnO photocatalysts with antibacterial properties


  • Poor hygiene and ineffective hospital infection control practice contribute to the transmission of nosocomial pathogens

  • This review presents a comprehensive summary of literature studies on the fabrication, antibacterial activity, and photocatalytic bacterial inactivation of Zinc oxide (ZnO) heterostructures under visible light

  • Wet chemical processing techniques including co-precipitation, hydrothermal/solvothermal treatment, hydrolysis-condensation, and microemulsion are a facile route to synthesize ZnO nanomaterials on a large scale at lower temperatures and costs compared to vapor-phase method

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Poor hygiene and ineffective hospital infection control practice contribute to the transmission of nosocomial pathogens. Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis are opportunistic pathogens that can cause surgical wound infections, bloodstream infections and infections associated with indwelling medical devices. They are capable of developing resistance to multiple antibiotics. Infections caused by MDR bacteria such as methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and. 2020, 21, x FOR PEER REVIEW methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus epidermidis (MRSE) are difficult to treat, leading to high morbidity aanndd mmoorrttaalliittyyininpaptaietinetnst[s5[–57–].7]T.hTuhsutshethseprsepardeaodf MofDMR DbaRctebraicateproisaespoasseesriaousserthiorueasttthorpeautbtlioc pheuablltihc ghleoabltahllgy.loTbhalilsym. ZnO with a wide bandgap absorb ultraviolet (UV) light effectively, giving rise to antibacterial and UV-protection properties. In this respect, ZnO nanostructures show great potential. PPaarrttiiccuullaarr aatttteennttiioonn iiss ppaaiidd ttoo tthhee tthhee llaatteesstt ddeevveellooppmmeennttss iinn tthhee ddeessiiggnn aanndd ssyynntthheessiiss ooff ZZnnOO hheetteerroossttrruuccttuurreess wwiitthh vviissiibbllee--lliigghhtt pphhoottooccaattaallyyttiicc bbaacctteerriicciiddaall aaccttiivviittyy vviiaa mmeettaall aanndd nnoonn--mmeettaall ddooppiinngg,, ccaarrbboonn nnaannoommaatteerriiaall mmooddiifificcaattiioonn,, aanndd sseemmiiccoonndduuccttoorr hheetteerroojjuunnccttiioonn ffoorrmmaattiioonn

Photocatalytic Property of Nanostructured ZnO
Metal Dopants
Transition Metal Doped ZnO
Carbon Nanotubes
Co-Precipitation Method
Microemulsion Process
Solid State Route
ZnO-Bacterial Interactions
Zone of Inhibition
Bactericidal Efficacy
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