
Jaundice is a common cause for diagnostic works-up and therapeutic intervention in neonates. This is motivated by the risk for severe neurological sequelae (kernicterus). The mainstays of treatment for the past decades have been exchange transfusion and phototherapy. Exchange transfusion is now becoming rare due to immune prophylaxis in Rhesus-negative women, and treatment of sensitised infants with intravenous immunoglobulin. Several different pharmacological approaches have been studied as far as the treatment of neonatal jaundice. Of these, the focus of attention in recent years has been on the haem oxygenase inhibitors (metal meso- and protoporphyrins). These are effective inhibitors of bilirubin production and have been shown to significantly reduce peak serum bilirubin levels in several clinical trials, both when used prophylactically and therapeutically. However, questions remain regarding long-term safety, as well as the advisability of whole-scale inhibition of bilirubin production. Nevertheless, in selected infants with a high risk of severe jaundice, the use of haem oxygenase inhibitors may be acceptable. Pharmacotherapy in jaundiced infants is fraught with risks, as many drugs may increase the entry of bilirubin into the brain and presumably, the risk for neurotoxicity. Both the displacement of bilirubin from its albumin binding and interference with the function of phosphoglycoprotein in the blood–brain barrier are documented mechanisms in this respect.

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