
Metal-air batteries and fuel cells are considered the most promising highly efficient energy storage systems because they possess long life cycles, high carbon monoxide (CO) tolerance, and low fuel crossover ability. The use of energy storage technology in the transport segment holds great promise for producing green and clean energy with lesser greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In recent years, nanoscale based electrocatalysts have shown remarkable electrocatalytic performance towards the construction of sustainable energy-related devices/applications, including fuel cells, metal-air battery and water-splitting processes. This review summarises the recent advancement in the development of nanoscale-based electrocatalysts and their energy-related electrocatalytic applications. Further, we focus on different synthetic approaches employed to fabricate the nanomaterial catalysts and also their size, shape and morphological related electrocatalytic performances. Following this, we discuss the catalytic reaction mechanism of the electrochemical energy generation process, which provides close insight to develop a more efficient catalyst. Moreover, we outline the future perspectives and challenges pertaining to the development of highly efficient nanoscale-based electrocatalysts for green energy storage technology.


  • Over the years, our energy consumption has been continuously growing and mainly depends upon fossil fuel combustion, where the pollutants CO2, NOx, and SOx are generated as the main byproducts

  • The recent research has reported that metal-air batteries performed significantly better compared to metal-ion batteries

  • Fuel cells have sshhown tthhee mmoossttrreenneewwable eenneergy ssttoorage ssyysstem owing to tthheeiirruunniqiquueecchhaararactcetreirsitsitciscslikliekelolwowcocsot,srte, dreudcuedceedmeimssiossnisonansdanhdighiegfhfeecftfivecetniveses, nwehsisc,hwmheiceht fmuteuertefgultoubraelgelnoebraglyednemrgayndesm[6a5n].dAs [c6e5r]a.mAiccenraanmocicomnapnooscitoemfupeolsciteellf(uCeNl cFeCll)wiseanenregwy seynsetregmy styhsattemoptehrateospaetraltoews eart tloemweprerteamtupreesraatnudresusaensdmuasetesrmialastefrrioamls solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) and molten carbonate fuel cell (MCFC) technologies [66,67,68,69]

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Our energy consumption has been continuously growing and mainly depends upon fossil fuel combustion, where the pollutants CO2, NOx, and SOx are generated as the main byproducts. There is an urgent need to develop new energy resources to fulfil our energy demands more securely and sustainably In this regard, the electrochemical conversion of hydrogen into water is considered as a fascinating clean and green energy generation methodology. The electrochemical conversion of hydrogen into water is considered as a fascinating clean and green energy generation methodology To achieve this electrochemical reaction, combining water electrolysis and fuel cell technology is essential. This review focuses on designing nanomaterial-based electrocatalysts for fuel cell and metal-air battery applications due to their immense contribution to the development of next-generation clean and green energy storage systems [13,14]. This review focuses on the recent development of nanoscale-based electrocatalyst for metal-air batteries, fuel cells, and water-splitting applications. Based on the fruitful discussion, nanoscale-based electrocatalyst can serve as a promising candidate for practical energy storage device applications, which are beneficial resources-in energy fields for the development of next-generation energy storage technology

Nanoscale-Based Electrode Catalysts for Metal-Air Battery
NNaannoossccaallee BBaasseedd EElleeccttrroodde Catalysts for Fuel Cells
Nanoscale Based Catalysts for Water Splitting Reaction
Electrode Stability
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