
This article reviews advances in knowledge on laryngeal sensorimotor control affecting the assessment, understanding, and treatment of laryngeal motor control disorders in voice, speech, and swallowing. Three topics are covered: new knowledge on laryngeal innervation and central nervous system control from basic research studies, the role of laryngeal sensation in normal swallowing and dysphagia in patients, and new approaches to the restoration of laryngeal motor control after recurrent laryngeal nerve disorders. A significant advance this year was tracing the efferent pathways from the cortex to the brainstem in monkeys. This provided new information on subcortical and brainstem connections in the laryngeal efferent pathways. Laryngeal sensory feedback continued to receive attention, and the role of sensory feedback in the control of the pharyngeal phase of swallowing is now well established. Further developments in neuromotor monitoring of the recurrent laryngeal nerve during thyroidectomy were seen, and a large case series recommended that these techniques become standard practice for surgery for thyroid benign recurrence or malignancy. Finally, the first tissue engineering papers in the field of vocal fold tissue and nerve restoration were published this year, beginning an exciting new approach to restoration of laryngeal motor control. Considerable attention has been given to laryngeal muscle physiology, denervation, and sensation in neurolaryngology. Relatively limited understanding is available regarding the central nervous system integrative control of laryngeal function for speech, respiration, and swallowing.

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