
Apex locator is an electronic device used in endodontics that determines the position of the apical constructionand it determines the root canal space length. Usually the correct working length determination is identifiedby using radiograph ,but electronic apex locators are being used increasingly nowadays. These electronicapex locators reduce the number of radiographs required and assist where radiographic methods createdifficulties. Detection of root canal perforation is also considered as one of the roles of an apex locator. Thebenefit of apex locators include that these devices are much less affected by fluid conductive media in thecanal. Some experience in the use of the apex locator will allow the clinician to recognize the differencesimmediately. It is used to find the working length determination, cementing the file in place, extracting thetooth and locating the file under magnification in the root canal . This review assesses the advantages andadvances that would enable the use in dentistry and determination of working length.

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