
Vincent Blok, Heidegger’s Concept of Philosophical Method. Innovating Philosophy in the Age of Global Warming, Routledge Studies in Twentieth-Century Philosophy vol. 47, London, Routledge, 2020, 309 pages. ISBN : 9780367418120. Prix : 115 £. The book raises the question about philosophical method in the age of global warming and climate change. Blok argues that we should ask about a method to access uncorrelated being, in order to understand our position on planet Earth at this crucial moment, where climate change, loss of biodiversity and overpopulation might threaten our survival: The question about our place on Earth leads to reflections on the philosophical method to get access to the Earth, while the question about the method of philosophy leads to reflections on planet Earth as uncorrelated being. (p. 21) He borrows the notion of uncorrelated being from Meillassoux (p. 103-105), who recently introduced this concept in a critique of phenomenology’s analysis of being as being-for-us. The first question is what Earth as uncorrelated being means. Uncorrelated being refers to reality as uncorrelated to man and human thought and action, for instance as it existed before the appearance of man and will eventually continue to exist after man has disappeared. In so far as our understanding of reality always derives from the way we access it through our knowledge of it, reality should be considered correlated being. This epistemological correlation prevents an understanding

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