
Teleseismic P waves are followed by a series of scattered waves, particularly P -to- S converted phases, that form a coda. The sequence of scattered waves on the horizontal components can be represented by the receiver function (RF) for the station and may vary with the approach angle and azimuth of the incoming P wave. We have developed a frequency-domain RF inversion algorithm using multiple-taper correlation (MTC) estimates, instead of spectral division, using the pre-event noise spectrum for frequency-dependent damping. The multitaper spectrum estimates are leakage resistant, so low-amplitude portions of the P -wave spectrum can contribute usefully to the RF estimate. The coherence between vertical and horizontal components can be used to obtain a frequency-dependent uncertainty for the RF. We compare the MTC method with two popular methods for RF estimation, time-domain deconvolution (TDD), and spectral division (SPD), both with damping to avoid numerical instabilities. Deconvolution operators are often biased toward the frequencies where signal is strongest. Spectral-division schemes with constant water-level damping can suffer from the same problem in the presence of strong signal-generated noise. Estimates of uncertainty are scarce for TDD and SPD, which impedes developing a weighted average of RF estimates from multiple events. Multiple-taper correlation RFs are more resistant to signal-generated noise in test cases, though a “coherent” scattering effect, like a strong near-surface organ-pipe resonance in soft sediments, will overprint the Ps conversions from deeper interfaces. The MTC RF analysis confirms the broad features of an earlier RF study for the Urals foredeep by Levin and Park (1997a) using station ARU of the Global Seismographic Network (GSN), but adds considerable detail, resolving P -to- S converted energy up to f = 4.0 Hz.

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