
Abstract The demographic significance of parasitism by Brown-headed Cowbirds (Molothrus ater; hereafter “cowbirds”) has been debated for years, because manipulative studies are few and mathematical models of cowbird-host systems have not led to tests of their predictions. We combine results from a cowbird- removal experiment (Smith et al. 2002, 2003) with a stochastic simulation model that we developed, to reassess the effect of cowbirds on the annual reproductive success (ARS) and nesting success in Song Sparrows (Melospiza melodia). Our model followed the breeding success of individual Song Sparrow nests and extrapolated to output variables including ARS, nest survival, and parasitism rates. We parameterized the model with field data from cowbird control sites (i.e., cowbirds not manipulated) and found that output variables matched those observed. We used the reduced parasitism rates observed on cowbird-removal sites, reran the model, and compared output with observed values. On removal sites, ARS was g...

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