
Problem. Modern requirements for internal combustion engines are becoming ever more stringent, and current trends require the manufacturer to have high power and economy. This pushes the manufacturer to create and upgrade the design of the internal combustion engine and its systems. Modern technologies allow the creation of high-tech internal combustion engines with electronic control systems that increase the efficiency of resource use, and improve environmental parameters. As a result, modern engines can dynamically change their parameters and adjust to the needs of consumers. One of the main systems that affect the performance of an internal combustion engine is the cooling system. The regulation of the cooling system allows maintaining the optimum temperature of the coolant. The low or periodically increasing and decreasing temperature of the coolant and oil leads to such consequences as increased wear of parts in friction pairs, an increase in fuel consumption and ineffective operation of the cooling system. Goal. Analyze and justify the need to regulate the diesel engine cooling system of the ground transport vehicle. Methodology. Based on the experimental data, an analysis of the change in the temperature of the heat transfer media was carried out and a comparison was made with the optimum recommended temperature. Result. It is determined that with a change in the speed of the diesel engine's crankshaft and load, the temperature deviates, indicating that there are no measures aimed at regulating the temperature state of the diesel and the need to develop and implement a system for regulating the temperature of the heat carriers of the internal combustion engine. Originality. To a diesel engine of type 5TDF, an estimation of a temperature condition and a substantiation of necessity of regulation of temperatures of heat carriers was not applied earlier. Practical value. This assessment will lay the foundation for the rationale for the development of a cooling system control system for domestic diesel engines of the 5TDF type.



  • A., Effects of engine cooling water temperature on performance and emission characteristics of a compression ignition engine operated with biofuel blend, J. sustain. dev. energy water environ. syst., 5(1), 2017, pp. 46-57

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ОБҐРУНТУВАННЯ НЕОБХІДНОСТІ РЕГУЛЮВАННЯ РОБОТИ СИСТЕМИ ОХОЛОДЖЕННЯ ДИЗЕЛЯ НАЗЕМНОЇ ТРАНСПОРТНОЇ МАШИНИ Проаналізовано і обґрунтовано необхідність регулювання роботи системи охолодження дизеля наземної транспортної машини, показано, що відхилення температури теплоносіїв від оптимальної призводить до негативних наслідків в експлуатації дизеля. На основі експериментальних даних показано вплив зміни режиму роботи дизеля наземної транспортної машини з дизелем типу 5ТДФ на відхилення температур теплоносіїв від рекомендованих оптимальних. 1. Відносний знос циліндрів дизеля типу 2Д100 в залежності від температури охолоджуючої рідини

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