
We consider RTL, a linear time propositional temporal logic whose only modalities are the [formula] ( eventually ) operator and its dual [formula] ( always ). Although less expressive than the full temporal logic, RTL is the fragment of temporal logic that is used most often and in many verification systems. Indeed, many properties of distributed systems discussed in the literature are RTL properties. Another advantage of RTL over the full temporal logic is in the decidability procedure; while deciding satisfiability of a formula in full temporal logic is a PSPACE complete procedure, doing so for an RTL formula is in NP. We characterize the class of ω-regular languages that are definable in RTL and show simple translations between ω-regular sets and RTL formulae that define them. We explore the applications of RTL in reasoning about communication systems. Finally, we relate variants of RTL (when interpreted over a real line segments) to several fragments of Interval Modal Logic and show that the satisfiability problem for RTL when interpreted over a real line is NP-complete.

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