
Identifying correct modes of surface waves and picking accurate phase velocities are critical for obtaining an accurate S-wave velocity in MASW method. In most cases, inversion is easily conducted by picking the dispersion curves corresponding to different surface-wave modes individually. Neighboring surface-wave modes, however, will nearly meet (kiss) at some frequencies for some models. Around the frequencies, they have very close roots and energy peak shifts from one mode to another. At current dispersion image resolution, it is difficult to distinguish different modes when mode-kissing occurs, which is commonly seen in near-surface earth models. It will cause mode misidentification, and as a result, lead to a larger overestimation of S-wave velocity and error on depth. We newly defined two mode types based on the characteristics of the vertical eigendisplacements calculated by generalized reflection and transmission coefficient method. Rayleigh-wave mode near the kissing points (osculation points) change its type, that is to say, one Rayleigh-wave mode will contain different mode types. This mode type conversion will cause the mode-kissing phenomenon in dispersion images. Numerical tests indicate that the mode-kissing phenomenon is model dependent and that the existence of strong S-wave velocity contrasts increases the possibility of mode-kissing. The real-world data shows mode misidentification caused by mode-kissing phenomenon will result in higher S-wave velocity of bedrock. It reminds us to pay attention to this phenomenon when some of the underground information is known.

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