
<p>本論文以「地方精神的再現與重塑」為思維核心,針對明末清初數部傳奇劇作中的虎丘地景書寫,酌參文化地理學對於地景書寫的概念,思考歷經時代劇變的劇作家,如何藉由戲曲之文類特質書寫虎丘的人文景觀,並賦予新的時代意義。論述架構為首先統整虎丘知名地景在明末清初傳奇中的展演姿態,分別以千人石、真娘墓、虎丘山寺為代表,論述同一地景在不同劇作中因應戲曲所需而展現不同的意義;其次探究傳奇中的虎丘地景書寫,整體呈現出明末清初文人形象之多元化、風俗綺靡民情放蕩之社會亂象,以及治亂興亡下對明清世變的觀照與省思,從中建構明末清初之社會風貌與時代意義。透過全文討論,可知虎丘地區擁有悠久的歷史傳統、便利的地理位置、富庶的經濟條件,展現出聲色繁華、逸樂嬉遊的社會風氣;到了明末清初,隨著社會型態的益趨複雜與明清鼎革之時代變動,傳奇劇作中所展示之虎丘地景,又因應劇情發展、人物塑造、劇旨演繹等戲劇需求而改造重塑,寄託了更深層對於時代鼎革下人心異變之省思。明末清初傳奇劇作中的虎丘地景書寫,實乃呈現出社會背景、生活環境與生命情態交織的人文景觀,建構虎丘地景豐富的文化圖像,可說是從另一新的角度,展示出傳奇文本的奧秘。</p> <p> </p><p>This paper takes "reappearance and remolding of local spirit" as the core of its investigation. It focuses on the Huqiu landscape writing in several Chuanqi dramas in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties. It considers the concept of landscape writing in cultural geography, and considers as well the changes that have gone through the era of how a playwright uses the literary qualities of opera to write the humanistic landscape of Huqiu and gives it a new meaning of the era. The structure of the research is: Firstly, it explores how the Chuanqi reproduces the cultural landscape of Huqiu’s gathering of sensual entertainment and seasonal festivals and presents the customs of leisure and enjoyment; secondly, it analyzes how the playwrights benefited from the geographical and historical inspirations to reshape the fictional landscape of the drama on the real historical landscape; finally, it investigates how to construct the social situation and the meaning of the time by means of the Huqiu landscape writing of Chuanqi dramas. This result of the research indicates that the Huqiu area has a long history and tradition, convenient geographical location, and prosperous economic conditions, showing a prosperous and fun-filled social atmosphere. It reveals a reflection of the reality of life (such as: Qianren Stone and Shantang Street), a combination of local spirits (such as: Weizei Temple and Wuren Tomb), and the projected cultural imprints (such as: Zhenniang Tomb). On the other hand, it gradually triggers the dark side of people’s mind. With the great changes in the Ming and Qing dynasties, there are looting, plundering, defiance, exploit, deceit and other social chaos everywhere, and the dramas even put a deeper level of reflection on the abnormal changes in people’s mind. The Huqiu landscape writing presents the intertwined humanistic view of the social background, living environment and life style. As a result, the construction of a rich cultural image of Huqiu scenery can be regarded as another unique perspective to reveal the mystery of the Chuanqi text. </p> <p> </p>

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