
A pilot tropical cyclone reanalysis project was conducted to construct a reliable, high temporal and spatial resolution tropical cyclone dataset for selected western Pacific typhoons in summer 2004, with the application of the latest satellite observations and a 4-dimensional variational data assimilation method. Primary data used for the reanalysis include SSM/I rain rate, GOES-retrieved upper-level wind, QuikSCAT surface wind, Aqua AIRS/AMSU retrieved temperature and moisture profiles, and JTWC best track data. A regular reanalysis procedure was established and up to 12 western Pacific typhoons have been reanalyzed. The reanalysis period covers the entire life cycle of a tropical cyclone, from a few days prior to its genesis to its final decay stage. A preliminary analysis shows that the reanalysis product significantly improves typhoon intensity, structure, and track, compared to the NCEP operational final analysis. The validation of the TC structure against independent observations shows that the reanalysis reproduces well the asymmetric characteristics of TC rain bands and cloud bands. A further modeling experiment with an initial condition from the reanalysis product reveals a significant improvement in typhoon intensity forecast compared to a parallel experiment with an initial condition from the NCEP final analysis, which provides a further indication of quality of the tropical cyclone reanalysis. The reanalysis product and the raw observational data will soon be posted on the data server of the IPRC Asia-Pacific Data-Research Center ( http://apdrc.soest.hawaii.edu/ ) for public use.

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