
This paper investigates Sound Source Localization (SSL) for a robot in a real world. Previously, we focused on one-dimensional SSL for azimuth and assumed that target sources are distributed close to a horizontal plane. Without this assumption, the SSL performance is drastically degraded. Thus, three-dimensional SSL is essential to improve the localization for sound sources distributed in a three-dimensional space. Compared to one-dimensional SSL, three-dimensional SSL mainly has the following problems: 1) a massive number of Transfer Function (TF) measurements for microphone array calibration are required for three dimensions to maintain the spatial resolution of SSL sufficiently-high, 2) the computational cost for searching for sound sources drastically increases in high-dimensional spaces. For the first issue, we extend the previously-proposed one-dimensional TF interpolation method, integrating time-domain-based and frequency-domain-based interpolation, to three dimensions. The interpolation achieves three-dimensional super-resolution SSL and reduction of the number of TF measurements while maintaining the spatial resolution of SSL. For the second issue, we propose optimal hierarchical SSL, which reduces computational cost for searching for sound sources by introducing a hierarchical search algorithm instead of using greedy search in localization. We previously proposed the concept of the algorithm. This paper additionally discusses theoretical optimality in hierarchization to minimize the total computational cost of SSL. The method determines the number of hierarchies and the resolution of each hierarchy depending on desired spatial resolution. These techniques are integrated into an SSL system using a robot. The experimental result showed: 1) the proposed interpolation method achieved super-resolution SSL working better than that with pre-measured TFs, 2) the optimal hierarchical SSL drastically reduced computational cost by approximately 97%.

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