
Real-time image processing and computer vision techniques have become increasingly important in the field of mechatronic systems. Mechatronic systems integrate mechanical, electrical, and computer engineering to create advanced systems with enhanced functionality and performance. The integration of image processing and computer vision in mechatronic systems has opened up new possibilities for applications such as object detection, tracking, recognition, and robotic vision.This paper aims to provide an overview of the various real-time image processing and computer vision techniques employed in mechatronic systems. It explores the fundamental concepts, methodologies, and algorithms used in these techniques to extract meaningful information from images and videos, enabling mechatronic systems to make intelligent decisions based on visual inputs. The real-time image processing and computer vision techniques play a vital role in mechatronic systems, enabling intelligent decision-making based on visual inputs. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of these techniques, including their fundamental principles, implementation considerations, and practical applications. The advancements in real-time image processing and computer vision continue to push the boundaries of mechatronic systems, unlocking new possibilities and driving innovation in various industries

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