
Abstract In this study, structures of real-time adaptive observation guidance provided by Yonsei University (YSU) in South Korea during The Observing System Research and Predictability Experiment (THORPEX)-Pacific Asian Regional Campaign (T-PARC) are presented and compared with those of no-lead-time adaptive observation guidance recalculated as well as other adaptive observation guidance for a tropical cyclone (Jangmi 200815). During the T-PARC period, real-time dry total energy (TE) singular vectors (SVs) based on the fifth-generation Pennsylvania State University–National Center for Atmospheric Research Mesoscale Model (MM5) and the corresponding tangent linear and adjoint models with a Lanczos algorithm are provided by YSU to help determine sensitive regions for targeted observations. While YSU provided the real-time TESV guidance based on a mesoscale model, other institutes provided real-time TESV guidance based on global models. The overall features of the real-time MM5 TESVs were similar to those generated from global models, showing influences from tropical cyclones, midlatitude troughs, and subtropical ridges. TESV structures are very sensitive to verification region and forecast lead time. If a more accurate basic-state trajectory with no lead time is used, more accurate TESVs, which yield more accurate determinations of sensitive regions for targeted observations, may be calculated. The results of this study may imply that reducing forecast lead time is an important component to obtaining better sensitivity guidance for real-time targeted observation operations.

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