
Reviewed by: Really Truly Bingo Deborah Stevenson Kvasnosky, Laura McGee Really Truly Bingo written and illus. by Laura McGee Kvasnosky. Candlewick, 2008 [32p] ISBN 978-0-7636-3210-6 $15.99 Reviewed from galleys R 5–7 yrs It’s really Mom’s fault, since she told Bea to use her imagination, that Bea imagines up a big furry dog named Bingo who has one goal on his mind: “Let’s do something we’re not supposed to do.” Bea and Bingo dig a big hole in the melon patch and make it into a fort buttressed by the household pillows, concoct forbidden snacks, and breach the rules by playing in the sprinkler. Mom finally realizes that Bea has been up to serious mischief and blows her top, but fortunately Bingo encouraged Bea to make a lovely daisy chain, the gift of which mollifies Mom. The story is essentially episodic, lacking much narrative tension, but the pleasures of misbehavior will certainly appeal to youngsters, and Bea’s matter-of-fact approach to both the imaginary dog and the real mayhem has a certain ironic humor. Illustrations are executed in gouache resist, and the splotchy black lines and textured layers of color add depth and interest to the rich sweetness of the bright landscapes, while occasional line art complements the color spreads. Though this doesn’t have the punch of the author’s Zelda and Ivy titles (BCCB 4/98, et al.), it’s useful to have a fairly gentle tale of malfeasance, and kids will appreciate the sly fact that the mess can be considered Mom’s own fault. Copyright © 2008 The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois

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