
Due to the nonlinearity of dynamical equations in robotic systems, nonlinear compliance has more potential for energy consumption reduction. Moreover, the legged robots require adaptive structures so as to maximize their efficiency w.r.t. the new environments and gaits. Therefore, having nonlinear adaptive compliance is essential in legged robots. In this paper, we take one step towards the realization of nonlinear compliances with adaptable torque-deflection profiles. So as to achieve this goal, we present a mechanism which consists of four linear extension springs. Changing the arrangement of linear springs can adapt the compliance profile to the desired one. In addition, to optimize the arrangement of linear springs in an online manner, an adaptation rule is presented. The proposed adaptation rule adapts the compliance profile such that the actuator's torque and consequently the energy consumption are reduced. The performance of presented adaptation rule for actuator's torque minimization is analyzed by means of simulations. In simulations, we observed that the adaptation rule not only minimizes the energy consumption but also improves the tracking performance of the controller. Finally, to realize nonlinear adaptive compliance, a prototype of the presented mechanism is designed and constructed.

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