
Despite the highly praised for technology achievements and prosperities, the morphology and appearance of Cities in Japan are often criticized as dull, uninteresting, brutal, and chaos. The question is, how do cities in Japan gain stability while the reality of the urban condition is in a chaos? Is there something behind the chaos that makes urban dwellers of Japanese cities able to relatively live comfortably and safely? This paper analyses some aspects which shaped Japan urbanism, from disorderly addressing system to the speed of building transformations that considerably high. Findings on the hidden orders behind the chaos of Japanese cities reveal an understanding that the spatial and physical chaos of a dense city are not always identified as a social chaos.


  • Despite the highly praised for technology achievements and prosperities

  • cities in Japan gain stability while the reality of the urban condition is in a chaos

  • Planning for cities and regions in Japan, Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 33-57

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Urbanisasi besar-besaran di kawasan Asia telah membawa kesempatan sekaligus masalah bagi kota-kota di Asia. Satu hal yang sering disorot oleh para pengamat kota adalah masalah kesemrawutan tata ruang kota di Asia sebagai akibat ketidaksiapan kota dalam mengantisipasi ledakan penduduk. Banyak pakar urban yang menilai bahwa terdapat kesamaan tampilan antara permukiman padat kota-kota di Jepang dengan permukiman urban yang ada di wilayah metropolitan di kawasan Asia (Narumi, 1998; Logan, 2002). Berbagai kritik dilontarkan terhadap tampilan wajah kota-kota di Jepang seperti membosankan, tidak menarik, brutal, kacau dan bahkan buruk rupa (Narumi, 1998; Bognar, 1991). Dalam peringkat kota terbaik dunia dari berbagai versi, kota-kota di Jepang sering masuk dalam katagori 50 besar, terutama karena memenuhi standar kriteria terbaik dalam hal keamanan, pendidikan, kebersihan, rekreasi, stabilitas politik-ekonomi dan transportasi umum

Tujuan dan Metode Penulisan
Hasil dan Pembahasan
Tatanan Urban Kota Jepang
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