
The Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) is one of three major scientific instruments to be launched aboard the Space Infrared Telescope Facility (SIRTF). This document briefly describes the features, usage, and limitations of the IRAC Science Data Simulator (ISDS) that can be used to generate simulated data to anticipate data quality and reduction issues for mission operations. The software is a combination of C++ and IRAF SPP routines that implement the features already characterized during the integration and test phase of IRAC's development. While no guarantee of accuracy is made, the intention is to replicate as faithfully as possible known characteristics and artifacts of the IRAC instrument. The many beneficial applications of the ISDS include facilitating planning of the IRAC pipeline by the SIRTF Science Center (SSC), and validating observing strategies for SIRTF Guaranteed Time Observers and Legacy teams. The simulator has already been used by mission planners to demonstrate the relative effectiveness of different approaches to data reduction. It will also be of great value in demonstrating IRAC's capabilities for mapping and source detection, and in testing post-pipeline software currently being developed for these purposes.

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