
Since the population of smart mobile devices with broadband wireless LAN interfaces is explosively increasing, accurate and realistic modeling of real environment of IEEE 802.11e EDCA WLAN is essential for efficient provisioning of QoS-aware differentiated mobile cloud service provisioning. The existing analytical models of 802.11e EDCA, however, are not realistic because they are mostly based on a simple clean channel condition or simple frame error probability; they do not consider the different individual channel conditions and different frame error rates at each station. As a result, the accuracy of throughput estimation is poor. This paper proposes a realistic IEEE 802.11e EDCA mathematical model for QoS-aware differentiated multimedia mobile cloud services. The analytical model of EDCA is enhanced by i) pragmatic considerations of an individual station¿s channel condition and ii) correct frame error rate due to channel noise of individual station. The accuracy of the enhanced model is validated by a series of experiments in a real testbed with 5~21 WiFi stations. The accuracy of throughput estimation and frame delivery time has been greatly improved.

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