
As far as social media is concerned twitter has become a major source of public data in the form of tweets. Twitter is an emerging source of large textual data(big data).People can easily express their opinions , reviews, interests and tastes about a particular event, topic ,product etc., occurring worldwide. This makes twitter a good source of valuable data which can be further used to perform sentiment analysis, know trending topics of public intrests and public opinion on a particular product or event which can be beneficial for business growth and political parties to know public choices and they can take actions accordingly. The extraction of meaningful insights from the vast and dynamic stream of social media data is greatly facilitated by the implementation of topic modeling and sentiment analysis on Twitter tweets. The identification of recurring themes or subjects within a collection of tweets, which is the essence of topic modeling, serves to reveal patterns in discussions, thereby aiding in the comprehension of prevalent topics and trends. Concurrently, sentiment analysis, through the evaluation of the emotional tone of tweets, enables the discernment of whether the expressed sentiments are positive, negative, or neutral. The combination of these techniques provides researchers and businesses with valuable perspectives on public opinions, emerging issues, and user sentiments, thereby empowering them to make informed decisions and develop effective engagement strategies in the ever-evolving landscape of social media. But twitter data(tweets) are unstructured ,contains noisy data, urls , stop words, re-tweets video ,emoji etc., which need to be cleaned and preprocessed to perform proper sentiment analysis and use it to extract meaningful effective insights from it. This paper focuses on various methods of topic modeling and discovering latent topics ,text-mining approaches ,micro-blogging methods used in various researches .This paper focuses on latent dirichlet allocation method of topic modeling and text-mining to discover latent topics in tweets, micro-blogging ,text-mining approaches .A proper survey is done on previous researches on this topic in this article. Keywords:-LDA, text-mining, topic modeling, micro-blogging ,machine learning ,sentiment analysis, NLP.

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