
In current intraoperative MRI (IMRI) methods, an iterative approach is used to aim trajectory guides at intracerebral targets: image MR-visible features, determine current aim by fitting model to image, manipulate device, repeat. Infrequent updates are produced by such methods, compared to rapid optically tracked stereotaxy used in the operating room. Our goal was to develop a real-time interactive IMRI method for aiming. The current trajectory was computed from two points along the guide's central axis, rather than by imaging the entire device. These points were determined by correlating one-dimensional spokes from a radial sequence with the known cross-sectional projection of the guide. The real-time platform RTHawk was utilized to control MR sequences and data acquisition. On-screen updates were viewed by the operator while simultaneously manipulating the guide to align it with the planned trajectory. Accuracy was quantitated in a phantom, and in vivo validation was demonstrated in nonhuman primates undergoing preclinical gene ( ) and cell ( ) delivery surgeries. Updates were produced at 5 Hz In 10 phantom experiments at a depth of 48 mm, the cannula tip was placed with radial error of (min, mean, max)=(0.16, 0.29, 0.68)mm. Successful in vivo delivery of payloads to all 14 targets was demonstrated across nine surgeries with depths of (min, mean, max)=(33.3, 37.9, 42.5)mm. A real-time interactive update rate was achieved, reducing operator fatigue without compromising accuracy. Qualitative interpretation of images during aiming was rendered unnecessary by objectively computing device alignment.

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