
Abstract: Sign language is the only tool of communication for the person who is not able to speak and hear anything. Sign language is a boon for verbally challenged people to express their thoughts and emotion. Using this Sign Language Recognition system, the communication gap between people with hearing impairments and the general public can be cleared. In this work, a scheme of sign language recognition has been proposed for identifying the gestures in sign language. With the help of computer vision and neural networks, system can detect the signs and give the respective text as output. The major aim of this work is to build a neural network using a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) deep learning model using the video frames which offer the translation of gestures into text. The model is trained with the dataset that is collected using MediaPipe holistic key points from the video of the person which detects the pose, face and hand landmarks. after building the neural network, real-time sign language recognition is performed using OpenCV and a user interface is developed using Streamlit where the gestures are recognized and displayed as text within the highlighted section on the screen

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