
Abstract State-of-the-art segmentation models have shown great performance in structured road segmentation. However, these models are not suitable for the wild roads, which are highly unstructured. To tackle the problem of real-time semantic segmentation of wild roads, we propose a Multi-Information Concatenate Network based on BiSeNetV2 and construct a segmentation dataset Dalle Molle institute for artificial intelligence feature segmentation (IDSIAFS) based on Dalle Molle institute for artificial intelligence. The proposed model removes structural redundancy and optimizes the semantic branch based on BiSeNetV2. Moreover, the Dual-Path Semantic Inference Layer (TPSIL) reduces computation by designing the channel dimension of the semantic branch feature map and aggregates feature maps of different depths. Finally, the segmentation results are achieved by fusing both shallow detail information and deep semantic information. Experiments on the IDSIAFS dataset demonstrate that our proposed model achieves an 89.5% Intersection over Union. The comparative experiments on Cityscapes and India driving dataset benchmarks show that proposed model achieves good inference accuracy and faster inference speed.

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